What is swimnastics?

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Swimnastics is a dry-land program incorporating the fundamentals of gymnastics to help junior swimmers build strength, increase flexibility and develop sound movement patterns years before they begin working with a strength and conditioning coach. The program has been designed to be completed in any space with minimal equipment.

Providing a holistic, long-term approach to athlete development, the swimnastics program can be implemented with swimmers of any age - but has been specifically designed to help young athletes build a range of fundamentals that will further their swimming careers.

Swimnastics helps young swimmers build strength, coordination and flexibility.

How can gymnastics principles help swimmers?

Gymnasts are known for their strength and flexibility, for their ability to acquire new skills rapidly, their ability to make fine technical adjustments and the ability to coordinate complex skills with precision. Their sport requires this. And their training helps them develop this.

In much the same way, swimming also requires strength and flexibility. And there are many skills and movement patterns (such as forward rolls and tumble turns) that are used in both sports. So it makes sense to incorporate gymnastics training in these areas of crossover into a swimmers' program.


The benefits of swimnastics


Improve strength, flexibility and coordination

The swimnastics program teaches a range of conditioning exercises that increase the athleticism of your junior swimmers. This helps them to improve their starting power and swimming velocity.

Develop complex movement patterns

The program teaches athletes a range of movement patterns and helps them develop better body awareness. This helps them develop essential skills such as forward rolls for tumble turns.

Increase long-term performance

The strength and conditioning training the program imparts, in particular its focus on plyometric exercises will help your athletes complete a higher training volume.

Reduce risk of future injury

The program teaches athletes better body awareness which, in turn, will help them identify the red flags that their body is being pushed past its limits and help them prevent future sport-related injuries.


swim clubs using the program

throughout Australia, the UK and Asia


along with many more who have gold membership


Kirsten is fantastic at applying her knowledge of gymnastics and transferring it to activities and movements on dry land that replicate what our swimmers do in the pool. Aside from the core workout she puts them through, her engaging nature and ability to instruct teenagers makes her session double as a team building activity where the athletes are challenged, required to work together and enjoy a laugh all at the same time.
— Linley Frame, Swimming Australia

Want to chat more about the benefits swimnastics can bring to your junior swimmers? Let's talk further.
