for swimmers + parents + coaches + clubs

Bite-sized training programs

Want new exercise ideas for your dryland training? Exercises that result in improved performance in the pool because they are swimming specific? These individual training programs can be purchased directly through this website and include our key exercise ingredients with videos and PDF programs. They’re great way to get a taste of the swimnastics dryland difference.

programs include…

  • outline of the swimnastics method

  • 60min recorded swimnastics session

  • PDF programs for improving the ingredients required to improve each focus.

  • dryland skills checklists.

swimming dryland training on holidays

return to training strong & niggle free

2 weeks of virtual dryland videos, 15-25mins per day and no gear needed.

race day kit bag, mindset tools for swimmers to perform at their best

Underperform on racge day?

Want the winning edge?

I have packaged up all the resources I wish I had as an athlete and now use as a coach. Let's take you out of your head and give you everything you need to have you swimming out of your skin come race day!